Meet and discuss books by queer-identifying writers and queer themes.
The Adult Queer Book Group reads and discusses literature written by queer-identifying writers with diverse backgrounds. Selected books include fiction, poetry, and graphic novel selections. Monthly discussion explores themes in queer identities and subject matter. This book group is facilitated by Kathryn, staff member at YDL-Michigan. Kathryn taught feminist and LBGTQQIA courses for Eastern Michigan University's Women's and Gender Studies Department and the Women's Huron Valley Correctional Facility. Dr. Z holds a Ph. D. in Communication and Women's Studies.
Registration required. Email to sign up. Books are available for pickup one month before the group meeting.
Jan. 16: Maurice (1971) by E.M. Forster. Gay romance.
Feb. 20: Be gay, do comics! (2020) edited by Matt Bors
Mar. 20: Selected Works of Audre Lorde (2020) by Audre Lorde. Lesbian poetry.
Apr. 17: Swimming in the Dark (2020) by Tomasz Jedrowski. Gay romance.
May. 15: Light From Uncommon Stars (2021) by Ryka Aoki. Trans sci-fi.
Jun. 19: Love After the End (2020) edited by Joshua Whitehead. Indigenous sci-fi.
Jul. 17: All Out (2018) by Saundra Mitchell. YA anthology.
Aug. 21: Didn’t Nobody Give a Shit What Happened to Carlotta (2022) by James Hannaham
Sept. 18: Flung out of Space (2022) by Grace Ellis. Lesbian graphic novel.
Oct. 23: New Life (2023) by Tom Crewe. Gay drama/crime.
Nov. 20: Our Wives Under the Sea (2022) by Julia Armfield. Lesbian marriage.
Dec. 18: Luda (2022) by Grant Morrison. Queen trans suspense.
Mon, Feb 10 | Closed |
Tue, Feb 11 | Closed |
Wed, Feb 12 | Closed |
Thu, Feb 13 | Closed |
Fri, Feb 14 | Closed |
Sat, Feb 15 | Closed |
Sun, Feb 16 | Closed |
The historical downtown library on Michigan Ave. is our oldest branch. It has two meeting rooms and an outdoor plaza.
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