Join the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commission’s Office, with support from the Washtenaw County Conservation District, for a free native plant swap.
Everyone is welcome to this potluck style event whether or not you bring a plant to "pass". If bringing native plants from your yard to share, please label them. If you are looking for a few native plants to add to your yard, please investigate your site conditions (sun exposure, soil type, soil moisture) to ensure a good match. Feel free to attend if you’d like to learn more about native plants, practice your identification skills, help others select appropriate plants for their sites, or socialize with native plant enthusiasts! If you would like to help weed and/or install “leftover” plants (starting at 2:15 pm) along the edges of the detention basin and/or pollinator garden at the Library, please bring gloves and a trowel.
Wondering about your own soil's pH or moisture level? Check out the Soil Master meter from the YDL's Library of Things collection. This handy meter combines the testing requirements for moisture, light and pH in one meter. The meter dial records the soil moisture level and gives you advice to water or not. Move the switch to pH and the existing soil acidity is measured. Request one here!
Our largest branch on Whittaker Road, near the roundabout, has 6 meeting rooms, including our large Community Room.
**Please note**Attendance at Library events constitutes consent to be photographed for use in print and/or electronic publicity for the Ypsilanti District Library.